Create Rate
you need a room first, then you need to click on the "options button" and then "Create Rate"
Create a new rate on a specific room
Title - Name of Rate
Property - Choose for which property (Pre Filled)
Room Type - For which Room you are creating a rate for (Pre Filled)
Manual - You will enter prices for the room manually.
Derived - The price & restriction will be derived from another room type. Please go to this link to see how this works.
Price Settings - Manual Pricing - Per Room
Price Settings
Currency - This is pre filled from your Property Setting.
Sell Mode - You can choose if it just a price for the room or price per person
Rate - If you choose "Per Room" there will be only one field here to enter the price for the room
Price Settings - Manual Pricing - Per Person
Manual Pricing Per Person
Rate Mode:
Manual - You will enter price per person manually as above
Derived - You enter a price for the primary occupancy, then configure the modifier for the other occupancies.
Derived Per Person
Add Modifier
Modifier per person rate
Here you can choose how much percentage or fixed amount from the primary occupancy for the other occupancies.
You can add multiple modifiers if you need per occupancy.
Example: Add 10% and $5
Price Settings - Per Person - Auto
This is a faster way than derived to create your multi occupancy prices, you can enter your primary occupancy and how much cheaper or more expensive for different occupancy.
Auto Mode
You can change the "increase/decrease" by percentage or amount
Set Rate Restrictions
Here you can specify the defaults for the restrictions.
Once the rate is created you will manage all price, availability and restriction in inventory with bulk update.
If you change the rate settings it will only affect the inventory if you haven't changed via a update/bulk update.
Derived Rate Create
Create Derived Rate
Parent Rate Plan - This is the room type you will derive price and restrictions from
Inherit from Parents - You will choose what to inherit from the parent.
Custom rate or restriction: You can unselect any box to manually set
Price Settings - Derived
This is similar to manual except the rate is taken from another rate, you can add a modifier to the price.
Choose the primary occupancy and then the modifier for the other occupancy, we might autofill the modifiers from the parent to assist your setup.
Price Settings - Auto
This is to make it simple to take a price from another rate plan and then add a modifier for the other occupancies.
Price Settings - Cascade
Cascade - Derived Setting
The derived option is great if you need to create a copy of the other rate plan but its like 10% cheaper.
Example: Non-Refundable Rate 10% cheaper per person.