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Auto Availability Settings
Written by Evan Davies
Updated over a year ago

These settings will control if Channex will change the availability automatically or not

Where to find the setting

  1. Edit the Property

  2. Go to "Settings" tab

  3. Go to the "Automatic Availability Update Settings" section

What do these settings do?

It controls how Channex will react after a new booking or modification or cancellation. If we will change availability or not.

Checkbox is checked = ON

Checkbox is unchecked = OFF

New Booking:

If ON then Channex will reduce availability for the affected dates of the booking

Example: If booking is made on 1st August for 1 night. We will -1 for 1st August. So if 5 rooms available it will change to 4

If OFF, we will change nothing and all OTA will still have 5 to sell

Recommended Setting is ON

Modified Booking

If ON then Channex will change availability for the affected dates of the booking

Example: If booking is made on 1st August for 1 night. Then it is changed to 2nd August.

We will +1 to Aug 1 and -1 to Aug 2nd

If OFF, we will change nothing and all OTA will still have 5 to sell

Recommended Setting:

OFF if PMS connected

ON if standalone

Cancelled Bookings

If ON then Channex will increase availability for the affected dates of the booking

Example: If booking is made on 1st August for 1 night. Then it is cancelled

We will +1 to Aug 1

If OFF, we will change nothing and current availability is on all OTA

Recommended Setting:

OFF if PMS connected

If Standalone it can be either value depends if the proeprty wants cancellations to open rooms or not.

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